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Visar inlägg från januari, 2018
Reflectors are GONE! #fatbob #harleydavidson #114ci #fxstb #fxfbs
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Ohh she is sexy in the daylight 😘 If just the snow could go away so we could go for a ride. But we need to strip a couple of things so I guess we can spend some quality time together this weekend anyways. #fatbob #114ci #harleydavidson #blackonblack #bassaniroadrage3 #bassani #bassaniexhaust #screamingeagle
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Some quality reading in front of the fire tonight 😎 Harley Davidson did home delivery today during the snowstorm. Put the order down a month before the release and today was finally the day. #fatbob #fatbob2018 #harleydavidson #newbikesmell #114ci #freedommachine #bassaniroadrage3 #bassani #screamingeagle
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I’m so proud of my woman’s skills! She is a designer/carpenter/psychologist. This project in our main hallway is done. A wall was removed, moved and rebuilt with soundproofing and then a wardrobe wall that is fitted with a custom made oak frame. Also roof and walls painted by the same magician #girlpower #womenrules #custombuilthomes #homestyling #custombuilt
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My spicy lover from the US arrived via Holland today. Got stripped and fitted with some Road Rage and more wind in her hair. Now we just need the paperwork to come through before she can move in with me. #fatbob #harleydavidson #2018 #bassaniexhaust #bassaniroadrage3 #freedommachine
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Hibernation almost completed, the first feeling of spring came with the sun today :) #2018theyearofmakingdreamscometrue
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