Welcome Home premiär i Göteborg

Ikväll är det premiär för RipCurls nya film "Welcome Home" bland annat Nils Arvidsson är med och slushar i. Mer info om premiären nedan.
Torsdag den 22:e Oktober är det dax för Premiär visining av Rip Curl`s nya Snowboard film "Welcome Home"!
Festen sker på DEEP nattklubb på avenyn och följande gäller:
# 18år i dörren
# 50:- entrè
# 22.00 - 03.00
# Filmen visas runt 23.00
# DJ Kid Sid & DJ Gary
Party on!!!
Party presented by Jägermeister & Monster
This fall Rip Curl will release their latest Snowboard movie project "Welcome Home".
This will be celebrated with a full on European premiere party tour. Of course there will be a Swedish stop at this tour!
So, make sure to book 22nd October @ DEEP NIGHTCLUB on Avenyn in your calendar as this definatly will be a night to remember!
# Party in Gothenburg Powered by MONSTER Energy Drink.
# DJ KID SID and DJ GARY will rock the party in Gothenburg!
More info soon......
WELCOME HOME Scandinavian Premiere Dates:
21st Oct Copenhagen (DEN)
22nd Oct Gothenburg (SWE) @ DEEP NIGHTCLUB
23rd Oct Oslo (NOR)
24th Oct Helsinki (FIN)
Party on!
« WELCOME HOME » is the brand new team video project from Rip Curl snowboard team. After some exotic adventures last year on unridden terrain in Abkhazia , this year The search guided our riders to the home playgrounds of Victor Delerue, Nils Arvidsson, Darius Heristchian, and Victor Daviet.
During a season filled up with the most amazing powder for a long time, those riders welcomed their team buddies to share and discover their home favourite spots and local specialties. “WELCOME HOME” will allow you to follow our crew from Sweden to unlimited options in Portes du Soleil as well as French unknown Queyras region and the Pyrenees.
Elias Elhardt, Per Löken, Remi Lamazouère, Aron Holterman, Nate Johnston, Mati Radaelli, Dani Sastre, Janne Lipsanen, Mitch Brown and Mattias Nyberg are the guests and they honoured the fiesta with blasting energy, shredding with no rest the night jib sessions and the clubs in Sweden and destroying completely natural windlip and Wallis’s infamous fondue, not to mention few double cork stomped with style here and there in Queyras and the Pyrenees.
Behind the lens people in charge are again Olivier Pictet (Thermos, Rip Curl Abkhazia) and Julien Mata (French Kiss production) documenting these adventures and inspired by the hippie philosophy revisited by Rip Curl: Search, share and shred with love your friend’s playground with solid tricks. In charge of still pictures the main men are Eric Bergeri , Matt Georges (Onboard senior photographer) and Remi Petit. “WELCOME HOME” will be delivered to you by only skilled people to make sure that need to go snowboarding will be at his highest since early season. We expect as well that it will get you motivated to search for new spots in your resort as well as showing around and sharing your home turf with your riding friends.
The Rip Curl team and the editor, Olivier Pictet, will visit you early season for a European premiere tour with over 10 dates scheduled, to party with you and share “WELCOME HOME” on a big screen. For now watch this eye candy teaser and feel the motivation to ride rising up your body, it does feel good, isn’t it? Don’t worry; we’ll keep you up to date with dates and location early season.
More news on the team and products on www.ripcurl.com